1. Course Topics, Outcomes, & Logistics

    2. Intensified Math Program Overview

    3. Check for Understanding: Intensified Math Program Overview

    1. Unit Structure Overview

    2. Check for Understanding: Unit Structure

    1. About the Daily Lesson Structure

    2. Connecting the Daily Lesson Structure to the Advice for Instruction

    3. Lesson Resource Downloads: Topic 1, Lesson2, "Collaborating around problem solving"

    4. Pause & Process Task

    5. Planning for a Lesson

    6. Navigating Animations & Visualizations

    7. Check for Understanding: Daily Lesson Structure

    1. Assessment Routines Overview

    2. Assessment Routine Walk Through

    3. Course Assessments At-a-Glance

    4. Check for Understanding: Assessment Routines

    1. Attend Summer Professional Learning

    2. Engage in the Community

    3. Reach out for Help

    4. Share your feedback

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content